Shipping and Delivery

This Delivery Policy applies to all digital products (e.g., courses, eBooks, templates) purchased on our website. Due to the intangible nature of our products, traditional shipping is not applicable.

Instant Delivery via Email:

Upon successful purchase of a digital product, you will receive immediate access to it through email within a maximum of 10 minutes. This email will contain:

  • Download links for the purchased product(s).
  • Access instructions for any online platforms or portals involved (if applicable).
  • Order confirmation details.

In rare cases, delivery may be delayed:

  • Technical issues: We strive to ensure seamless delivery, but occasional technical challenges might arise. In such cases, we will endeavor to resolve the issue and deliver your product within 24 hours of purchase.
  • Payment verification: For certain payment methods, additional verification steps might be needed. This may temporarily delay delivery until the verification is complete. We will notify you if this applies to your purchase.

Accessing your product:

  • Please ensure you provide a valid email address during checkout. Check your spam folder if you don’t see the delivery email within 10 minutes.
  • Some products might require you to create an account on our website to access them. Follow the instructions provided in the delivery email to set up your account.
  • Download links and access instructions might expire after a certain time for security reasons. Please download and save your purchased products soon after receiving the email.

Contact us:

If you encounter any issues accessing your product after 24 hours of purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at [email protected] We are always happy to assist you.

Please note: We reserve the right to modify this Delivery Policy at any time without prior notice. However, any changes will be reflected here on this page.

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